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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Digital Portfolios and Student-led Conferences.

Digital Portfolios and Student-led Conferences

"A Student-led Conferences is a meeting led by students in the presence of the parent/guardian. The educator is their to assist and facilitate the meeting."

" A Digital Portfolio is a computer based collection of student work samples, assessments, goals, and reflections"

Can we combine Digital Portfolios and Student-led Conference?:
"Digital Portfolios can provide more information about student progress than just a piece of paper."

  • Students create their own digital portfolio to present to their guardians.
    • Student and Educator discuss what will be included.
    • Gather materials throughout the semester/year.
  • Include audio, text, and video.
    • Record student progress
      • reading a passage at the beginning of the semester vs end
    • Scan in images of student work
    • QR codes of links to student project presentations
What does the school system want to see?
  • Students showcases what they've learned
    • Include:
      • assessments
      • read a passage to show fluency
      • Solve a problem that was challenging
      • Share a story he/she wrote
      • strengths
      • areas of weakness                      
  • Reflection Entries.
    • Deeper level of thinking.
    • Make connections.
  • Set Goals.
    • What will you work on in the next semester/year?

Websites to help create Digital Portfolios:
  • Google Classroom
  • SeeSaw
  • ClassDoJo
  • Imovie
  • KidBlog
  • Google Slides
  • And many more!
Student-led Conferences in Inclusive Setting:
"Meets the requirements for the reauthorization of the individuals with a DisabilitiesEducation Act (IDEA) as the conferences provide frequent reports to parents about student growth in the general education curriculum."
  • Can be combined with annual review conference
  • empower students through shared decision making
  • Student becomes vital member of their own IEP team
  • Promotes communication between the student, parent(s), general, and special educator.
  • Focus on process to improve instruction.
  • Provide more information than traditional report card.
  • IEP goals and objectives can be created and reviewed.
Video: Student-led Conferences Empower Learners

Digital portfolios and student-led conferences empower students, creates a positive environment, promotes deeper thinking, and is beneficial to the students. Students are reflecting on their work and creating relevance to the content they're learning. Student-led conferences give students the confidence to lead their own meetings and becoming leaders of their own learning. As a educator, I will encourage my students set goals for themselves to reach by our student-led conference times. I will help them gather material to include in their digital portfolios. They will choose authentic work that showcases what they've learners. To help my students present their portfolios to their guardians during the SLC's, we will role-play before the date. Students will be prepared to present their work and communicate with confidence. I will also, encourage my parents to attend these conferences to support their children. 

Developing a Professional Learning Network.

Developing a Professional Learning Network

"A Professional Learning network is the engagement of educational professionals in order to enhance teaching experience"

Image result for melonheadz worldBenefits:                                                     
  • Share thoughts and ideas with other professionals.
  • Learn strategies and resources to use in your own classroom.
  • There when needed, easy access.
  • Develop relationships with there professionals.
  • Hear/learn from real experiences 

"Technology can bring your Professional Learning Network to life" through:
  • Blogs
    • Share idea with your PLN team.
    • Read about other educator experiences.
  • Social Media accounts
    • Follow educators online to see what they're doing in their classrooms.
  • Podcasts
  • Image result for nearpod
    • Listen to teacher experiences.
    • Share your own ideas with others.                  
  • Nearpod
    • Share lesson plans, what worked? What didn't?
    • Virtual Field trips.
    • Flipped Classroom experience.
  • Zoom
    • Image result for Zoom call
    • Host a Zoom conference call with you PLN team.      
    • "face-to-face" meeting from anywhere.

Who to Follow?:
  1. 42 of the Best Teacher Blogs
  2. Must-Follow Elementary Teachers on Instagram
  3. Special Education Teachers Unite- Teacher blogs

Video: 10 Benefits of a Professional Learning Network.
A professional learning network can be beneficial to the educator and students. The educator benefits from learning about other professional's experiences, while the students benefit from the different ways the educator learned to teach topics. PLN's provide educators with a support system and team. I will join a PLN team when I become an educator. I want to learn and hear from others what worked for their students and what didn't. I will implement the great ideas into my own classroom. I want to celebrate others success and my own though a professional learning network. PLN's will give me more knowledge and insight to become a better educator for my students. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

STEAM: Grades 3 - 6

STEAM: Grades 3 -6

"STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics"

  • Problem solving 
  • Finding/Using evidence                                 
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Innovation
How to integrate into the classroom:
  • Set up Stations
    • Not all STEAM time has to be during a class lesson!
    • While you're working with small groups, have students rotate through a STEAM center.
    • These centers can be done independently or in small groups.
    • Choose a quick and easy activity. 
    • This promotes the "playing with a purpose" rule.
  • Student Engagement
    • Learn student interests.
    • Include them into your STEAM lessons.
  • Give your students a Purpose
    • Create student portfolios 
      • compelling student projects and work to showcase at the end of the year.
    • Have students present their finished projects after each lesson/ center activity
STEAM Facts:
STEAM learning develops skills within students that can be used in their everyday adult lives. There a several job that could benefit from STEAM skills
Lets take a look at some of the professions...
    1. Statistician.
    2. Software developer.
    3. Physician assistant.
    4. Dentist.
    5. Cartographer.
    6. Actuary.
    7. Civil Engineer.
    8. Psychologist

Extra Resources:
Video: Introducing STEM into the Elementary Classroom

STEAM incorporates science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics all into one lesson. Students are challenged to use their critical thinking skills to design, develop, and implement their ideas. STEAM lessons should be used in al grade levels can be easily incorporated. I didn't know that what students learn during STEAM lessons could benefit them in the future, when job searching. Its time to start developing these skills early. I will find STEAM lessons that connect to our other course content and ones that will interest my students. I want my students to enjoy their learning experience. 

STEAM: Pre-K - 2nd

STEAM: Pre-K - 2nd

STEAM: aims “to teach students to think critically and have an engineering or design approach towards real-world problems whilst building on their math and science skills.”

"Early exposure is everything"
Transform the traditional classroom:
  • Teacher is a mentor and facilitator
  • Project-based assessments
  • Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Connections
  • Creativity
  • Student engagement
  • Based on 21st Century learning skills
How to integrate STEAM into the classroom:
  • "Makerspaces"
    • Space where children are provided materials to complete a task.
    • Great for early finishers, free time, and STEAM lessons.
    • Promotes innovation, problem-solving, and cooperation.
  • STEAM Bins
    • Bins filled with engineering manipulative and a task card.
    • Great for kinesthetic, logical, and spatial learners
    • Promotes critical thinking and creativity
  • Play Planning
    • "Play with purpose"
    • Student draw/plan what they are going to create in the center
    • Can be completed on paper or iPads
    • Promotes creativity and critical thinking
  • Based on a topic/lesson
    • You can connect a STEAM lesson to:
      • A book (English and Language Arts) lesson.
      • Math lesson
      • Science lesson
      • History lesson
      • And so much more!
Extra Resources:
  1. Teach Outside the Box - Blog
  2. STEAM Activities for Kids - Blog

 Video: How do you prepare learners for an unknown future?

STEAM lessons can be incorporated into any lesson, bringing it to life. Students learn more through hands-on learning experiences. STEAM lessons spark creativity, critical thinking, collaboration skills, and innovation within students. I didn't know that it could be so easy to incorporate STEAM into any lesson, including ones intended for a Pre-K classroom. These young students can do more, if we give them the resources to do so. I will give my future students more time for creativity, and provide them with the resources needed. I want to see what my students can do, with a little bit of guidance. 

Teaching Dual Language Learners

Teaching Dual Language Learners

What is a "Dual Language Learner"?

Children that do not speak English as their first or primary language
ELL students do not only speak Spanish; other languages include Arabic, the Chinese languages, Vietnamese, Russian, etc (NCES).

Instructional Strategies:
  • Use simple repetitive phrases.
  • clear expectations/
  • learn basic words and phrases in student's primary language.                          
  • Include visuals and support of the English language.                                            
  • Include student's native language and culture (as often as possible).
  • Extend time for understanding, directions, conversations, ect. 
  • Assign a buddy (possible can speak the native language).
  • language learning apps.
  • encourage verbal responses over non-verbal.
  • Remedial and skill-teaching sites.

Dual Language Supporting Apps/Websites:
  • Duloingo
    • gaming format to help students/teachers learn a new language; 30 different languages included.
  • Stride Academy
    • Interactive site; math. reading, and language arts. Language controls/voiceover options. (aligns with Common Core Standards).
  • MobyMax
    • Placement test determines student level. Gaming format to practice specific skills. (aligns with Common Core Standards).
  • Freckle
    • Focuses on Math and ELA (aligns with Alabama College Readiness Standards)
  • ReadTheory
    • Placement test to determine student level. Teacher can assign specific number of quizzes to be completed each week, month, year, etc. Teachers can check back on student progress.
Additional Resources/Websites:

Dual Language Learners could make up a portion of my classroom in the future. I need to start now, preparing for how I will welcome, include, instruct, and accommodate for these students. This presentation taught me great apps to include in my classroom, that will benefit my dual language learning students. I had never heard of Stride Academy, MobyMax, and Freckle. These are great resources because they align with the Common Core and Alabama College Readiness standards. I will provide my DLL students with these resources to benefit their learning experience. I will also learn key words and phrases (in their native language), so that I can better communicate with these students. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline
Presentation Link (Google Slides):

Conscious discipline is “a comprehensive classroom management and social emotional program, that creates; learning environments where children will know, “Yes, I am safe,” and “Yes, I am loved.” From this foundation of safety and caring, children will begin learning how to solve conflicts, manage their emotions, and take responsibility for their actions.”

When trying to understand a child, you must understand the brain steps that emotions go through.
There are three sides; 
Survival (red)
Emotional (blue)
executive (green) state
In the survival state, the brain is in the "fight or flight" stage. The emotional state is the brain responding when upset. The final state is the executive (green) state. We are encouraged to be conscious of the brain at this time.

The seven powers of Conscious Discipline:
1. Power of Perception.
2. Power of Unity.
3. Power of Attention.
4. Power of free-will.
5. Power of Acceptance.
6. Power of love.
7. Power of intention.

How can this be used in the classroom?
  • Uniting activities.
    • diverse representation of race, gender, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Disengaging stress activities.
    • brain breaks.
    • yoga.
    • "safe place" in the classroom.
    • Breathing techniques.
  • Commitment activities.
    • classroom jobs.
    • "Wish you well" board.
    • "Here today" cards.
    • Create a classroom pledge together.
  • "I" messages.
    • students create a strategy for being assertive. Practice regularly.I

Watch this video: Connection and "I love you" rituals - Conscious Disciple Skills!

Benefits of Conscious Discipline:
  • increase willingness to learn.
  • Boost impulse control.
  • Reduce stress.
  • creates a "noticing habit".
I have never heard of "I" messages in the classroom. There is a way that students can connect and be mindful of others emotions. Conscious discipline creates the habit of noticing. Students and educators must work together to resent and build relationships. To implement conscious discipline and reach my students, I could include the book series, Shubert, into my classroom library. Conscious discipline is "a shift from traditional rewards and punishments that promote growth and well being". I will use conscious discipline in my future classroom. I will be more aware and follow the seven powers. I will offer compassion, model behavior, connect, and guide my students. I could also read the "Schubert" book series to my students to provide examples of how children handle conflict.

All Things Digital Literacy: Pre-K - 2nd

All Things Digital Literacy: Pre-K - 2nd

Digital Literacy is "the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills"

Benefits of Digital Literacy:
  • student engagement
  • creativity 
  • multiple formats for student understanding
  • differentiation
  • portability
What is a Podcast?
“It’s a series of spoken, audio episodes, often focused on a particular topic or theme, like cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you like on your headphones, in the car or through speakers.

How could it be incorporated into the classroom?
  • whole group instruction
  • small group instruction
  • centers
  • assessment

1. Listen to a podcast as a whole group.
- Choose a podcast that's interesting a relatable to the students.
- Have the students answer questions about the podcast.
- What did you learn?

2. Students could create their own podcast based on the content material
- the teacher can assess student understanding

3. Student absent?
- When they return, have a "podcast center" set up to allow them to listen to the material that was taught previously.

Benefits of Podcast in the classroom:
  • Auditory skills 
  • Improve listening skills
  • Improve writing skills (scripts)
  • Innovative

Watch this video to see how this first grade classroom is making Podcasts to learn about books!
Software: Garageband

Digital literacy in the classroom in a key focus of 21st century teaching, with technology at the tips of our fingers, why not use it to benefit our students?
This presentation focuses on how using Podcasts (as a form of digital literacy) in the classroom can improve the learning experience for students. I did not know the benefits of podcasts - that they create student engagement, benefit language learners, and is a personalized learning platform. Podcasts can be incorporated into any lesson and can be themed around any subject.
In my future classroom, I would like to incorporate podcasts as a form of digital literacy. When learning about specific topics, I could break my students into groups and give them subtopics that connect to the main lesson. Each group could create a podcast to teach us about what they learned. This could be done with any course subject. Students could also create their own podcast as another option for a way to present a presentation.